Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Grilled Sweet Corn With Ancho Chili Lime Butter

If you're grilling with charcoal this summer, don't forget to get some sweet corn and grill them in their husk. When you're almost done with the grilling and the charcoal heat is dwindling down, place the corn directly on the charcoal and allow it to roast slowly. Remember to allow the corn to cool before peeling. When peeled, generously brush them with some Ancho Chili Lime Butter, and finally return the corn to the grill for a couple of minutes. The result is a rich, sweet and buttery grilled corn with a distinctive aroma.

Grilled Sweet Corn With Ancho Chili Lime Butter


4 Ears of Fresh Sweet Corn, in husks

Ancho Chili Lime Butter
4 Tbsp Unsalted Butter
1/2 tsp Ancho Chili Powder
Zest of 1 Big Lime
Sea Salt, to taste

Grilling Method: Direct Medium Heat (Charcoal Only)


Place the aluminum pan or small saucepan on the grill. Add butter, Ancho chile powder, lime zest and sea salt. Bring the mixture to a boil. Remove and set aside.

Spread the burn down charcoal evenly. Place the ears of corn in a single layer on the charcoal. When the husks blackened, turn over and grill the other side. Remove and let it cool for a few minutes.

Remove and discard the corn husks and silk. Return the ears of corn to the grill over direct heat and brush with the Ancho chile mixtures. Turn and brush the corn with butter mixtures frequently. Remove and serve warm or at room temperature.

Serves 4


  1. It's a real pity you don't have the Pinterest click on the photo so we can go directly to the recipe, video is much appreciated but I like to store the recipe. Instead it takes us to your Pinterest Board and I just don't have the time to comb through it. I believe you are enormously talented and gifted and would hope you consider the "Pin" on your photos. Much appreciated.

    1. There is a "Pin" on the photo..move the cursor to the top left-hand side, you'll see the "Pin" logo.
