Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Grilled Minced Beef On Lemongrass/Sate Lilit

This is my take on Indonesian Sate Lilit. I had these succulent minced beef skewers while I was holidaying in Indonesia a couple of years ago. Traditionally, the marinated meat is shaped around on a lemon grass stalk. However, if the lemon grass stalk is not available, then you can always use a wooden or metal skewer to shape the minced meat. Whichever way you may use, I have shown both methods in the video. So, do check it out and have fun grilling.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

How To Make Grilled Chicken Satay

This scrumptious grilled chicken satay goes very well with the peanut sauce that I have shared on my previous videos. Do give this recipe a try, and I hope you will like it as much as I do.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Stir-Fried Radish/Carrot Cake

With the Pan-Fried Radish Cake that I have made earlier, you can also turn them into a quick stir-fry meal. It's fondly known as Stir-Fried Radish Cake or stir-fry carrot cake in Malaysia and Singapore. This is a popular street-food and available at some Dim Sum restaurants too.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Pan-Fried Radish Cake

This Pan-Fried Radish Cake or also known as Lo Bak Gao is the popular dish that you can get at most Dim Sum restaurants. For this recipe, I have added some dried shrimps and scallions for flavoring. As for the batter, I used the combination of rice flour, corn starch and potato powder. The latter will give a firmer texture. If you can't find any potato powder, then replace it with wheat starch.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Acar Buah Jeruk & Kering (Spicy Pickled Dried & Preserved Fruits)

These Acar Buah or Pickled Dried and Preserved Fruits are spicy, sweet, and sour. It's often served as accompaniment with other dishes. The flavor of these Acar Buah improves with time, so it's best to serve it a couple of hours later and can be stored in the refrigerator for about a month.