Thursday, March 24, 2011

Rocky Road Bars/Squares

Rocky Road Bars/Squares


½ Cup (100 g) Bittersweet Chocolate Chips
1-Cup (200 g) Milk Chocolate Chips
¾ Cup (about 200 g) Nutella
1 tsp Pure Vanilla Extract
A Pinch of Sea Salt
1-Cup (30 g) Rice Krispies
½ Cup (25 g) Mini Marshmallows
½ Cup (35 g) Roasted Hazelnuts, halved

½ Cup (25 g) Mini Marshmallows
2 Tbsp Roasted Hazelnuts, halved

Baking Dish/Pan (9 ½ x 6 inches) lightly oiled or line with aluminum foil


Combine bittersweet, milk chocolate chips, and Nutella in a microwave safe bowl. Melt the chocolate mixtures in the microwave on high for about 2 ½ to 3 minutes. Remove from the microwave oven and stir in the vanilla. Add the sea salt, rice krispies, marshmallows, and hazelnuts. Spread the mixture into the prepared baking dish. Then scattered marshmallows and hazelnuts over the chocolate base. Cool completely and refrigerate for about 45 minutes, or until set. Cut into squares or bars.

Makes: 12-16 Bars/Squares


  1. Whoa, what a great idea! My friends would love these. I hope that we have a get together soon so I could make these. I'd probably sneak a little peanut butter in there though ;]

  2. These bars are out of this world! Thanks for the recipe.


  3. @Roxan: Peanut butter sounds really good with the chocolate mixture. Thanks.

    @Anonymous~Sue: Thanks.

  4. Wow, these sound decadent! Look at all those marshmallows - Yummy!

  5. Looks so gorgeous and anyone with a sweet-tooth would grab this in a minute.

  6. Rocky Road is my favorite ice cream, so these bring out the little kid in me. They look fantastic!

  7. @Jenn: Thanks for the comment.

    @Jo: Yes, it's definitely for anyone with sweet-tooth.

    @A Thought For Food: Same here, I love Häagen-Dazs Rocky Road ice cream.
