Saturday, May 1, 2010

Palm Sugar And Coconut Milk Jelly

I am posting this delicious Malaysian jelly dessert, Palm Sugar And Coconut Milk Jelly recipe today. Asian jelly desserts are made using agar agar (gelatin’s vegetarian counterpart), which is derived from various versions of seaweed. Agar agar has very high fiber content. As you can see, when the mixture cools and solidify, the translucent jelly will settle at the lower layer and the lighter density coconut cream floats to the top. Do try this light and refreshing recipe. Tell me what you think, if you like it, I will be happy to share another one of my favorite agar agar recipe with you. Enjoy!

Recipe adapted from Malaysian Cakes And Desserts by Rohani Jelani

Palm Sugar And Coconut Milk Jelly
(Printable Recipe)


500 ml (2 Cups) Water
150 g Palm Sugar, roughly chopped
3 tsp Agar-Agar Powder
1 Pandan Leaf, tied into a knot
300 ml (1 ¼ Cups) Coconut Milk
Pinch of Sea Salt


Place water, sugar, agar-agar powder and pandan leaf in a roomy pan and bring to the boil. Lower the heat and simmer until agar-agar powder completely dissolves, about 15 to 20 minutes.

Remove pandan leaf. Stir in the salt into the coconut milk and pour this into the jelly. Return the mixture to the boil then immediately remove from the heat.

Pour the jelly into a glass dish or jelly mould and leave undisturbed until set. When cool, chill the jelly in the refrigerator. The jelly should separate nicely into 2 layers-a clear palm sugar layers and a coconut layer.


  1. Palm sugar and coconut favourite combination! Will most definitely be making this jelly as soon as I can. Thanks for posting this recipe.

  2. I'm guessing the palm sugar gives the coconut milk that dark colour?

    what taste does the pandan leaf give?

  3. @Anonymous: Perfect! Thanks and you're most welcome.

  4. @azelia: Correct! Pandan leaf has an earthy, refreshing fragrance taste that enriches coconut milk, and many other sweet desserts.

  5. Those are beautiful! I need to venture out to find some pandan leaf and Agar-Agar powder.
    I can have all of the ingredients listed here! Sometimes I have to modify due to gluten and casein intolerances.

  6. hi Angie...if like me you can't get hold of Pandan...I'm guessing you could flavour the coconut with other flavours?

    ...lemongrass, lime, vanilla?

  7. These are so beautiful and exotic! I think I need to find these ingredients...

  8. That's sooo pretty! I really like agar-agar and anything else jelly-ish. I still haven't found pandan leaf but I know it's because I'm just not looking hard enough!

  9. Hi, I know this is an old post but I just stumbled across it - great blog by the way - and tried the recipe today. It turned out great & tastes good too, an excellent finish to a spicy asian dinner. Only problem is mine is very pale compared to the photo you show. The bottom part is white and the jelly almost clear - yours look s so much better. Can you think of a reason for this?

  10. do you use the malaysian style palm sugar that's dark or the thai light coloured ones? it's a bit difficult to get the dark ones here but i think i can manage to find the light one~~

  11. @kiut-me: Yes, I used the Malaysian Palm sugar. It's available here in Vancouver.

  12. Hi! Your pic really looks appetizing however i am facing a problem as i do not know why mine doesn't seem to form into 2 layers even after being cooled for a long time? Please advise me thanks.

  13. @Anonymous: Thanks. In order to have two separate layers of jelly, you have to remove the mixture from the heat immediately when the coconut milk starts to boil. I guess practice makes perfect, good luck.

  14. Angie,
    Thanks for sharing this recipe. This is delicious! I made it today and there were two layers, much to much excitement. However, the lighter layer is very thin. Do you have any advice as to how to make the lighter layer thicker like yours? Thanks! :)


  15. Hi Angie, I tried this recipe yesterday. I put in about 6gm of gelatin powder as I don't have agar agar powder. Till now, the jelly still hasn't solidified and it also does not have 2 layers at all. A few questions here : can I replace agar agar powder with gelatin powder? Is 3tsp of agar agar powder equivalent to 6gm? How do I achieve the 2 layer effect? Thanks for your help and appreciate it!

  16. @teoaili: I'm not sure this recipe work with gelatin. Anyway, the coconut and palm sugar should separate by itself.

  17. I tried this last week but my sugar and coconut milk did not separate into 2 layers like yours. Do you know why?

  18. @YummyBakes: The separation of the coconut milk and jelly should happen naturally. Try not to over boil the coconut milk too.
