Monday, July 27, 2009

Heirloom Tomato Salad

I came across some colorful and pretty Heirloom tomatoes at a local fresh produce store recently. The variety of colors were so pleasing that I just had to get some. So, I painstakingly picked out some of these tomatoes and turned them into this beautiful salad. I just used some lemon juice as dressing for the salad and topped it off with some fresh basil. The tomato salad tasted fantastic and not to mention, very healthy as well.

Heirloom Tomato Salad
(Printable Recipe)


8 to 10 Heirloom Tomatoes (mixed variety), sliced
A small bunch of Fresh Basil Leaves

6 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
3 Tbsp Freshly Squeeze Lemon Juice
Sea Salt to taste
Some freshly ground black pepper


Prepare the dressing. Combine the olive oil, lemon juice, sea salt, pepper and whisk and blend until emulsified.

In a large serving plate, arrange the tomatoes in circle and top with some Basil leaves.

Drizzle some lemon dressing over the tomatoes and serve immediately.


  1. What a lovely salad, colourful and delicious. I sure wish I could find tomatoes like this in my neck of the woods.

  2. I am growing some heirlooms but they really are looking a little lame. One has not grown one inch bigger but has one lousy Roma hanging from it. The cherry varieties are doing the best.
    I really look forward to eating them. No one out here is selling them.

  3. These look so unbelievable. You know with all the rain, the tomato crops at my CSA are getting destroyed by some fungus. No tomatoes for me! I will just imagine what your wonderful salad tastes like.

  4. What a pretty salad! It looks so refreshing.

  5. It seems great...we love tomatoe at children like so much, one of vegetable that they like is tomatoe...and these colourful is so beautiful...


  6. This looks so delicious and healthy! I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for tomatoes like these. Cheers!

  7. Love your blog, you take beautiful pictures!

  8. What gorgeous tomatoes! I bet they tasted fantastic.

  9. I adore heirloom tomatoes. They need so little help to shine. Love that you've just given them a bit of basil and lemon. Perfect.

  10. @WizzyTheStick: Thanks.

    @Lori E: Ha! At least you're doing much better than me! I tried to grow some last summer but, the plant dried out when I came back from vacation.

    @Morta Di Fame: That's saddening! Well, better luck next time then!

    @Carrie: Thanks

    @Paula Pacheco: Yes, both my kids love tomatoes too.

    @oneordinaryday: Thanks

    @SHM: Healthy indeed! Thanks.

    @Helene: Thanks dear:)

    @Megan@Feasting on Art: Yes, they are gorgeous and taste great!

    @Salanth: Thanks.

    @Christie's Corner: Me too, they are so tasty and thanks for the comment:)
