Friday, July 31, 2009

Andalusian Gazpacho

Fancy having some gazpacho to cool you down in this scorching summer heat? I made the soup in the morning, had it chilled, and served it up for dinner. We have had some real sweltering weather here in Vancouver this summer. So, this soup was just what we needed, light, cool, and delicious - perfect! Do try the recipe, and have a good weekend.

Recipe adapted from Traditional Spanish Cooking by Janet Mandel

Andalusion Gazpacho - Gazpacho Andaluz
(Printable Recipe)


75 g (3 oz) Bread, crust removed
1 kg (2 lb 3 oz) Ripe Tomatoes
3 Garlic Cloves
2 tsp Sea Salt
1/4 tsp Ground Cumin
6 Tbsp Olive Oil
5 Tbsp Wine Vinegar
about 300 ml ( 1/2 pint) Water

For the garnish
100 g ( 3 1/2 oz) Green Peppers, finely chopped
100 g ( 3 1/2 oz) Cucumber, peeled and finely chopped
1 Small Onion, finely chopped
1 Small Tomato, finely chopped
2 Slices Bread, toasted and diced

Put the bread to soak in enough water to cover for 15 minutes. Squeeze out excess water and put the bread in a blender or processor.

Peel the tomatoes, cut them into chunks and add to the blender with garlic, salt and cumin. Process until pureed. With the motor running, add the oil in a slow stream, then add the vinegar. The mixture will thicken and change color as the oil emulsifies. Add a little of the water and transfer to a serving bowl. You can rub the gazpacho through a sieve for a finer texture. Stir in water to the desired consistency; it should be neither thick nor thin. Chill until serving time.

Place the chopped peppers, cucumber, onion, tomato and toasted breads in a small bowls or divided dish and serve as accompaniments.

Serves 6


  1. Nice to see someone making this the correct way for a change.

  2. I like this kind of soup...seems delicious...when tomatoe begins cheaper I will try to made....the picture is great...I adore ;)


  3. I love Gazpacho. My husband makes it for us every summer and this time I'll ask him to make your recipe.

  4. Sounds delicious! It's winter here so I made a hot tomato soup for dinner last night, but will give this one a go once it heats up a bit.....

  5. Most gazpachos have a few more ingredients but your method is spot on! I Think with just the bread and tomato this is more like Salmorejo. I love gazpacho and yours is beautiful. I wish my bf would eat it so I can make some. SO healthy too.

  6. Wow I love gazpacho and this recipe sounds great

  7. I made this last night and it is the best thing I've eaten this summer!
    I changed the recipe slightly,adding crushed ice instead of water,placed the bowl in the freezer for a while before adding the soup,and I added a couple of canned plum tomatoes and some of their juice. Also I passed the garlic through the a press before adding it to the blender.


  8. @Debs: Thanks:)

    @Paula Pacheco: Do try to make them and thanks for the comment.

    @Debra: Wow! You're lucky to have a husband that can cook. Lovely!

    @Kate: Yes, save the recipe for a warmer weather and thanks for the comment.

    @Melpy: I know many people tend to shy away from Gazpacho but once they taste it, I bet they'll be wanting more!

    @Lindsay: Thanks and do try the recipe.

    @Debra: Crushed ice sounds great for a hot summer! Thanks for the tip!
