Thursday, May 28, 2009

RICARDO Meals for Every Occasion Cookbook Giveaway

A very happy hello to all of you who have been loyally following my postings! Today I am not posting any recipes; but instead, I would like to announce a nice giveaway to one of you. It’s a signed autographed cookbook “Meals for Every Occasion” by celebrity chef Ricardo LarrivĂ©e! Just a small token of my appreciation for your generous support for 8 months old Seasaltwithfood. So, if you are keen to be the proud recipient of Ricardo’s cookbook, all you have to do is provide comment on any post with recipes that were adapted from his cookbook.

1. Cranberry Scones With Honey-Orange Butter

2. Asparagus Caesar Salad

3. Steamer Clams With Beer And Chorizo

A lucky winner will be announced on June 8th 2009. All the best to you and once again, I would like to thank each and every one of you for regularly visiting my site and leaving kind comments on my postings. Appreciate it very much and do keep coming back. Thank you.


  1. Hello! I am new to Following your blog but couldn't stop reading all the delicious recipes! The one that of course caught my Eye was the Beer with Chirozo sausage with Steamers. This recipe looked so good and different from any I had heard of, winning the book would be amazing!

  2. hey there. congrats on eight months. love your tweets. have yet to see a recipe that i have not loved!

  3. Congrats on reaching the 8 month milestone. I really enjoy your blog and have made a couple of the recipes for my family. I think the next one will be the "Beer w/ Chorizo & Clams" as it contains 3 of my husband's favorite foods.

  4. jeffb5@comcast.netMay 28, 2009 at 7:17 PM

    Ricardo: I think your "Fried Eggs with Tomatoes", is the most colorful and easiest to prepare, of all your recipes. I'd love a copy of your book so I could try to make them all. And I do mean try because no one can probably make these recipes like you do.

    Kind regards,

    Jeff B.

  5. Anything with beer and chorizo gets my vote! Congrats for sharing 8 months with us! Great site

    Lisa S. in Texas

  6. Congrats on 8 months!! Keep the recipes coming! I actually posted about the Hasselback potatoes. Hope that's ok!

  7. Great giveaway! The recipes all sound delicious. Hopefully you saved a signed book for yourself?

  8. congrats...Please enter me. mrs.mommyyatgmaildotcom

  9. Hi, and congratulations on a successful eight months. I'm drawn to the asparagus caesar salad. Baby asparagus flavor any meal. Also, one could replace or include vegetables like string beans or potatoes. These are great recipes to follow as they are, or to build on. Thanks for entering me in the draw.

  10. And we dont need to leave a comment to be eligible? cos i dont wanna loose out on this beautiful gift!

    boy you are only 8 mths young? mine is abt there too but far less successful than your blog. congrats to you! its indeed a lovely blog.

  11. Wow, the asparagus Caesar salad sounds great. I grow my own asparagus and am always looking for new and exciting things to do with it.

    Great blog!

  12. I love recipes that incorporate beer.

    Looks like a great book. Thanks for the chance


  13. I thing the Cranberry scones with Honey orange butter sound great. Please include me in your giveaway.

    I am a follower.

  14. When Ricardo first aired on the Food network, I was sure, he wasn't going to be someone I would watch on a regular basis. Boy, was I wrong! His cooking blew many of the other celeb chefs out of the game. His cooking ROCKS!I too would like to prepare meals like Ricardo.
