Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Stir-Fry Water Spinach With Chili And Sichuan Pepper

I like Water Spinach (aka Kangkung). I like to cook them with Sambal or just a simple stir-fry with garlic and oyster sauce. I thought since I'm into Sichuan cooking now; why not try the vegetables recipe from my latest collection of cookbooks. I have two actually! The other book is an Indonesian cookbook, which I will feature some of the recipe very soon. So, watch out for it!

Recipe adapted from Sichuan Cookery by Fuchsia Dunlop

Stir-Fry Water Spinach With Chili And Sichuan Pepper


300 g Fresh Water Spinach
A small handful of Sichuanese Dried Chilies
3 Tbsp Peanut Oil
1/2 tsp Whole Sichuan Pepper
1/4-1/2 tsp Sea Salt to taste
1 tsp Sesame Oil


Wash the water spinach thoroughly, discarding any wilted leaves and coarser stalks. Tear or cut into 10cm sections. Snip the chilies in half or into 2 cm sections, discarding the seeds as much as possible.

Heat the oil in a wok until hot but not smoking. Add the chilies and Sichuan pepper and stir-fry for 10 - 20 seconds until the oil smells spicy and the chilies are just beginning to turn a darker red - take care not to burn them. Add in all the spinach and stir-fry for about 3 minutes until the leaves have wilted and the stems are tender and juicy, season with salt. Finally, remove from the heat and stir in the sesame oil. Serve immediately.


  1. Hi seasaltwithfood,

    I love kang kung - haven't had it in a while, so thanks for the great recipe. I always enjoy reading your blog so I've given you a sisterhood award (thrilled to award it to a fellow Vancouver girl!)
    Here's the link:


  2. Oh..saw it on FG, I miss eating kangkung... my favorite :)

  3. Hey Phyllis, a sisterhood award for me?? Fantastic! Thanks:) I'll bookmark your site and shall have a glass of wine later this evening while reading your blog.

  4. Hi Zita, thanks for the comment.

  5. this is the kind of food that makes me fat...cos I eat a lot of rice with it :p

  6. Kong xing cai? The vegetable that has the empty stem...yum.

  7. Hi tigerfish: Ha! Ha! So true! (I tend to overeat too)

  8. Hey Vincent, I'm glad you like my blog and yes, I will definitely add my blog on Petitchef.com Thanks.

  9. @SaraLynn: Thanks.


    @NAOmi: Thanks.

  10. I would like to try this one, because the main ingredients on this recipe is the spinach which is my favorite. I will now go to the market and buy some ingredients of this interesting recipe. Thanks for sharing!

    Beef Stir Fry
