Sunday, February 1, 2009

Rose Biscuits

This is the first time I make Rose Biscuits. I'm using the Scandinavian Rosette mold instead of the regular Rose biscuit mold. I guess they all work the same way but with different recipes. This biscuit are popular during the Chinese New Year in Malaysia and Singapore.

Rose Biscuits


400 ml tin Coconut Milk
150 g All Purpose Flour
100 g Rice Flour
2 Eggs
100 g Sugar
1/2 tsp Sea Salt
Oil for deep-frying


Combine the eggs and sugar. Stir until the sugar is dissolves. Then add in the coconut milk, all purpose flour, rice flour and salt.

Mix the batter until they are smooth. Set aside for 1/2 an hour.

Heat the oil in moderate heat. Dip the mold in the oil and remove excess oil. Then dip the mold into the batter and into the oil. Move the mold about until the biscuit separated from the mold. Fry the biscuit until golden brown and drain on paper towel.

When the biscuits are cool, store them in airtight cookie jar.


  1. I love that you show the tool used for this! An uncle of my family gives these to us these past few years; I love the image of him patiently dropping each rose into the fryer. But I've never watched it so I've been dumbfounded at how it's made. When did you get your rose tool? (The closest shape I could find was the handle on the outdoor water spigot!)

  2. Hey michelle, sorry missed out your comment. I got the rose tool from MingWo.

  3. Wow, these take me back. My great grandmother used to make these in her kitchen, back when I was but a wee lad. Thanks for sharing the recipe. Wish I had a mold to try it with.

  4. Oh, they look good but they're supposed to be rolled in sugar when they come out of the the oil!

  5. @:Nate-n-Annie:Thanks for the comment and you're most welcome;)

  6. Wow! I live in India and we have Indian friends who've made this traditionally at Christmas. Any idea what the history of Rose Biscuits are? Are they called by any other name?

  7. I make Rosettes all the time which are quite similar.The batter is different but they are quite delicious. I use the same rose frying iron. This is the recipe for the batter I use: 2 eggs 1 tablespoon white sugar 1 cup sifted all-purpose flour 1 cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/4 teaspoon salt vegetable oil for frying sifted confectioners' sugar. Delicious & simple!
