Saturday, February 21, 2009


Why am I posting about popsicles at this time of the year, you are probably asking? Well, this is no ordinary popsicles that you get from your local grocers fridge which I would like to share with you. These are gourmet fruitcicles by Maxfrut. All their products are made from 100% whole, real fruit and NO artificial coloring or flavoring. Best of all, they are only 70 calories per bar.

Now, I think you might be wondering how good are these fruitcicles then? The child in me had me bravely indulging on 7 varieties of Maxfrut's fruitcicles, namely pineapple, mango, lime, melon, raspberry, bumbleberry, and watermelon. The verdict? Simply delicious and the whole experience did not leave me feeling too guilty afterwards!

So, if you're around the North Shore, why not go check out their Flavor Lab for some fruitcicles. At the moment they are selling their products right at their lab, which is located on 127 Garden Ave, North Vancouver.

You can also browse their website for more detailed information on their products and the availability of their product in your area. Here are some pictures taken recently at their premises and a few taken at home. Enjoy.:-)


  1. OMGosh; yummmm. I want to make those!!! Love the square edges. Where or where can I find that mold!!! Off to google.

  2. I love popsicles. Nothing like one on a hot summer day. I remember when I was a kid, I would get this for a special treat.

  3. @Not Another Omnivore: Thank you:)

    @Butterball: Yes, I want to make them too :)

    @Jo: I couldn't agree more with you:)

  4. Yum - these look good. You can make them at home too! Here's a simple recipe!

  5. Hi Hillary, thanks and will try the recipe soon:)
