Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Pineapple Tarts

Okay, here is the recipe for my Pineapple Tarts. This one is the hardest to make! Maybe not that hard but rather time consuming but worth the effort! I know, I don't have any artistic skill but they still turn out well, just not great! LOL! Do try made the pineapple tarts.

Pineapple Tarts


Pineapple Jam

3 Ripe Pineapples, skin and cut into chunks
200 g to 350 g Sugar (adjust accordingly)
2 cloves
5 cm Cinnamon Stick
3 Pandanus leaves, cleaned and knotted
80 g Golden Syrup


Blend the pineapple chunks in a blender or a food processor. Then pour into a sieve and drain off some of the juice.

Place the pineapple, sugar, cloves, cinnamon stick and pandanus leaves in a heavy bottom saucepan and cook over a low heat. Adjust the sugar accordingly. Stir frequently until the jams are slightly thick and add in the golden syrup. Then cook until the jam is thick and glossy. Remove from the heat and set aside to cool.

Then roll the pineapple jam into a small cherry sized balls.


250 g Unsalted Butter, softened
50 g Confectioner Sugar
1/2 tsp Sea Salt
1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract
2 Large Egg Yolks
350 g All-Purpose Flour, sifted
50 g Corn Flour, sifted
1 extra Egg, lightly beaten for egg wash
Extra Cloves for decorating


Preheat the oven to 180˚C and line baking tray with parchment paper.

In a large mixing bowl, combine the butter, sugar and salt. Beat until they are well combined and add the egg yolks and vanilla extract. Then mix in all the sifted flours and beat again over a low speed until well combined and knead lightly to form into soft dough.

To shape the tarts - Flatten a piece of dough (about 15 g) with lightly floured hand and place a piece of the prepared pineapple jam in the center, wrap and seal well. Roll the tart lightly into an oval shape and snip the surface of the pastry with a small scissors to form a spiky look. Then insert a clove into one end.

Brush the pastry with the egg wash and bake for about 20 minutes or until they are light golden in color.

Cool on the rack and place the pineapple tart in small baking cups and store in airtight cookie jar.


  1. THey look gorgeous! I'll try to mkae some for this CNY!

  2. very nice looking - I was looking for something special to make and these look perfect. Thanks.

  3. If someone makes these for you, you know it's love. Good 'ol pineapples!

  4. @pigpigscorner: Thanks and have go at the recipe and let me know how yours turn out :)
    @ Gfron1: You're most welcome. Have fun making them and thanks for your comment:)
    @Ben and Suanne: Drool no more, I hope you guys like the tarts :)
    @duodishes: Perfect! You're absolutely correct! Like "Labor of Love"? Thanks for your comments :)

  5. These are cute as a button! I wish I had the patience to make these...they look a little laborious!

  6. @prdtofthe80s:Yes, you do need a little bit of patience and thanks for the comment:)

    @The Food Librarian: Thanks and Happy New Year :)

  7. where did you find the recipe for these? i'm looling for an asian pastry book... any suggestions?

  8. @Tianne: Thanks for the comment. This is one of my tested recipes. I have not found any good Asian Pastry Cookbook recipes yet. Still searching but will definitely feature some recipes of Asian pastries in the future.

  9. Hi Angie, I made the pastry yesterday according to your recipe. When I started to seal the pastry, they all cracked and my filling was exposed ! Was my pastry too dry and not elastic enough ? In the end, instead of rolling them into oval shape, I made them like cookies with the jam on top. Also, what is the purpose of adding corn flour to the pastry ? Thanks !

  10. @Anonymous: Yes, your pastry must have been too dry and the corn flour will give extra crisp to the the pastry. Note: Try not to over knead the pastry dough.

  11. Your pineapple tart looks very pretty. I like it very much. Would like to give it a try. May I know the pastry texture is "melt in the mouth" or slightly crisp?

  12. @Anonymous: Melts in your mouth with a slight crisp.

  13. Hi Angie, can this pastry be used to make the pineapple rolls instead (where the pastry is piped through the nastar mould)? Thanks.
