Thursday, June 1, 2017

Cucur Udang/Prawn Fritters (Traditional-Styled)

To me, this is an absolutely the traditional recipe for Malaysian Cucur Udang (Prawn Fritters). I have the recipes for a while now but never thought of making them until recently. The recipe was adapted from one of the popular chef and food styling in Malaysia. Her name is Rohani Jelani and she does cooking classes at her home too. So, do try this prawn fritters recipes and enjoy!

*This is an updated post with a video cooking guide. (Previously posted on 01/10/09)

Cucur Udang/Prawn Fritters (Traditional-Styled)


180 g ( 1 1/2 cups) Plain Flour, sifted
1/2 tsp Baking Powder
1/4 tsp Ground Turmeric
1 level tsp Salt
1 Cup (235 to 240 ml) Water
80 g (1/2 cup) Chinese Chives, trimmed and cut into 4 cm ( 1 1/2 inch) lengths
100 g (2 cups) Bean Sprouts, rinsed
12 Medium Prawns, peeled, with tails intact or unpeeled
Oil for frying

Combine the flour, baking powder, turmeric and salt into a mixing bowl. Add water and mix it with a spoon to make a fairly thick batter. Then stir in the chives and bean sprouts.

Heat the oil in a small saucepan over medium heat. Place a small ladle in the oil to and heat it for 1 minute. Then lift the ladle out from the oil and allowing excess oil to drip off.

Spoon enough batter to fill the ladle almost to the top and press a prawn into the top of the batter and gently lower the ladle into the oil. After 1 1/2 to 2 minutes, when the base of the fritter has formed a crust, gently push it out of the ladle with the tip of a spatula or small palette knife and allow it to continue frying in the oil until golden brown, about 2 to 3 minutes. Refill the ladle with more batter and continue until all the batter is used up.

Drain fritters on paper towel. Cool for 5 to 10 minutes before cutting fritters into smaller pieces and serve with sweet chili sauce.


  1. Wow those cucur udang looks yummy! I like how it takes on the shape of the ladle.

  2. Yumm that fritter looks delicious!

  3. @pigpigscorner & Half Baked : Yummy indeed! Thanks guys for the comments.

  4. Wow! These look AMAZING! I'm going to have to try this recipe

  5. Hey Jen, you should try make them and thanks.

  6. @Kevin: They are indeed tasty and thanks.

  7. They look great, good description of how to make them! I am going to try them one day

  8. looks so good, im gona try it out soon. Love cucur udang since I was a kid but it has been more than 10 years since I ate one :)

  9. Hi pingmouse (what a cute name), do try to make them and thanks the comment;)
