Sunday, December 28, 2008

Top Hats (Kuih Pie Tee)

First of all, I want to say Yay! This is my 100th posting in exactly 3 months!

Well, I remember when I first started blogging about my cooking, I had informed a few of my closest friends which includes Ben and Suanne from Chowtimes. You might want to know, how I met them... Of course through the Internet!!

Its all started before I even moved to Vancouver. I had search for everything about Vancouver, and no surprise there...I found Chowtimes. They are the nicest couple I have met here. They invited my family for lunch and from then onwards, we became good friends.

Anyway, back to my blogging story. One day, while having lunch with Ben and his family, he had mentioned that I blog everyday. Well, that's true and I even told them that I wanted to achieve my 100th posts by end of the year! And... I have done it!

Ben and Suanne have helped me a lot by getting readers to my new blog and so, I am dedicating this post to them. I really appreciate their humility and their friendship!

Top Hats (Kuih Pie Tee)



100 g All Purpose Flour, sifted
50 g Corn Flour
110 g Rice Flour
1/2 tsp Salt
2 Eggs, lightly beaten
400 ml Water
Oil for deep frying


1 kg Yam Bean (Jicama), shredded
300 g Carrots, shredded
5 Shallots, sliced
250 g Prawns, shelled and chopped
2 Tbsp Peanut Oil
2 tsp Sugar
Sea salt to taste
2 Eggs, lightly beaten
3 stalks Scallions
3 Red Chillies, finely sliced


Prepare the Top Hats shells. Combine all the ingredients and let the batter rest for an hour.

In a moderate heat, dip the mould in the oil ( make sure the oil is not too hot). Then dip the mould into the batter and plunge the mould into the oil. Jiggle the mould lightly, up and down motion and they should slip away from the mould. Let the shell cook until they are light brown in color. Remove and drained the excess oil. (You might want to fry the shells ahead of time. Its rather time consuming!)

Store them in an airtight container or in a ziplock bags (like me). They will stay crisp! Unless if there's any humidity then just pop them into the oven on a low heat for awhile.

In a large pan or wok, cook the shallots on a low heat until they are golden in color.

Turn the heat on high and mix in the chopped prawns. Saute briefly and add the yam beans and carrots. Stir and add some pepper, sugar and sea salt to taste. Cook for another 5 minutes. Set aside.

In a non-stick pan, make the omelet. Let it cool slightly and sliced them thinly.

To serve, put some yam beans and carrot filling and top it with the omelet, chilies and some scallions. Serve with some sweet chili sauce.


  1. Congratulations on your 100th post!! Its difficult to keep up with you as your are really quick with you posting :) :) Beautiful Pie Tee. I have to remember to get the mould when I go back to KL in January. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  2. Thank you! I'm actually a newbie at this :D
    Yes, do remember to do so and make some Top Hats for you and your family! Happy New year and thanks for the comment!

  3. This is the most prettiest hat kuih I have ever seen. Do you have a picture of the mould?

  4. Congrats on your 100th posts! I can see your site getting better everyday. He he he ... I still remember this from the gathering in your house last year ... it was great.

  5. @Zue Murphy: Thanks and the picture of the mould were on one of the pics I posted.

  6. @Ben and Suanne: Thanks guys! :)

  7. Hi, you top hats are absolutely beautiful.
    Can you please advise as to how to make the top edge of the hat curl outwards - just like yours in the picture. Most top hats i have seen has a simple straight edge. Yours hats look just like hats. Thanks, Toffee

  8. I agree with choirmaster. Your top hats look just like hats. How did you do it? Most moulds have straight edges. Does your mould has a curve to shape the hats as such too? I really hope you will reply to choirmaster and myself. I see that he/she has posted in Dec 2011. Looking forward to your reply :-)

  9. @The choirmaster & Anonymous: Well, there're a lot trial and errors to achieve perfect top hats. I dipped the batter almost to the rim of the mold and jiggle it in the oil. To be honest, not all the casing comes out with the "hat shape". Not sure this help, but do give it a go.

  10. Hi Angie, thanks for your prompt reply. Must say, your casings look beautiful. Will definitely give it a try ;-)
