Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Pineapple Jelly

I'm sure every kid or even adult would love to have some jelly or jello. You can serve this pineapple jelly as a dessert or starters. Of course, you can use any kinds of fruits for this jelly. I'm making some for this New Year Eve's!

Pineapple Jelly


1 tin 540 ml Pineapple Chunks, reserved the juice
2 tsp Agar Agar Powder
2 to 3 Tbsp of Sugar
2 cups of Water 
2 Pandanus Leaves, knotted


In a saucepan, combine the reserved pineapple juice (you should have about 1 cup, if not top it up with some water to reach 1 cup), water and pandanus leaves.

Bring it to a boil and add the agar agar powder and sugar. Simmer until the agar agar powder dissolves. Then let the mixture cool slightly.

Strain the mixture and fill them up with jelly mould and top it with pineapple chunks. Then set it a side and keep it chilled. Serve cold.


  1. These are so pretty! I really like all the different shapes that you used to make the jellies too.

  2. Hello, I'm french so I hope you will understand my english... I love thoses pineapple Jelly. For more fun, you can use "bubble water".

  3. @Ciloubidouille: Interesting, the "bubble water" as in soda water or sparkling water? Thanks:)

  4. Yes, you find the word i was looking for :p... Thanks for your visit in my blog :).
