Thursday, August 6, 2015

Kuih Talam Ubi Kayu

This is another popular Malaysian teatime snack called Kuih Talam Ubi Kayu. This delicious cake has two layers. The top layer is made from coconut milk, and the bottom layer of the cake is made with grated cassava and is flavored with palm sugar.

Kuih Talam Ubi Kayu


Bottom Layer
500 Grated Tapioca/Cassava (from 2 Medium Size)
120 grams Gula Melaka
20 grams Cane Sugar
¼ tsp Sea Salt
200 ml of Water

Top Layer (Coconut)
300 ml Coconut Milk
100 ml Water
15 grams Hoon Kue/Green Pea Flour
50 grams Rice Flour
½ tsp Sea Salt


Bottom Layer: Place the grated tapioca in a large sieve and press with a sturdy rubber spatula. Discard the tapioca juice and retained the starch. Combine the water, palm sugar, cane sugar and bring it to simmer until all the sugar has dissolves and let it cool slightly. Mix in the grated tapioca, sea salt, and the reserved starch. Stir until well combine.

Place the tapioca mixture in a square or round pan, and steamed for about 20 to 25minutes over rapid boiling water.

Top Layer: Mix the coconut milk, water, Hoon Kue/green pea flour, and sea salt until smooth. Strain the mixture into a saucepan. Stir and cook until the mixture starts to thicken. Remove from the heat and mix until smooth you have a smooth batter. When the bottom tapioca layer is cooked, blot off excess moisture with a paper toerl. Then pour the coconut mixture on top of the tapioca and steam the kuih over high heat for another 15 minutes. Remove and let cool completely before serving. The tapioca kuih can be slice into any shape of your choice.


  1. Hi angie. Not sure if my previous question got to you so trying again. I just found your blog and love it. For this recipie I am not able to get green pea flour. Could you let me what what substitute I can use instead. Thanks. Chloe

    1. Try Hoon Kue/Kwee flour, if not corn starch. Sorry for the late reply.

  2. Hi Angie. Thanks. What pan size did you use for this recipie? Also the green pea flour. Is it green in color. I am not able to get hoon kwee either . is there any difference in texture if I use cornflour. Thanks for sharing . love your blog especially the pie tee and local kuehs.Chloe. the video is of very great help.thanks.

    1. The pan size is 8" (dia). Green pea flour avail in several colors, but I use the white one. The texture is about the same. Thanks for your comment and supports.
